My Queenly little head is spinning today. Find work. Dating men. Avoiding dating men. All that and more.
So on Sunday T's friend Cat gave her free tickets to the Matakana Music Festival.
Thanks Cat, really enjoyed the journey as well as the destination. Even though it wasn't necessarily the kind of music I'd be pigeon holing as my absolute cup of tea, I still loved the atmosphere, location and laid back vibe.
Fly My Pretties did a few really good songs, but I liked the more rock and indie ones, the excessively souly stuff was a bit irritating and overdone. Drinks and food were limited in choice and of course over-priced. We connected well with a couple of lovely people - a guy who just came up and befriended us (fancied T I think!), and a girl who was sitting on our blanket. The blanket girl was so gorgeous and friendly; she had beautiful hands:
We left before the last band went on, exhausted but happy. See, some things in life are free.
Man Fishing Updated:
Well slap me with a fish head and call me a whore's breakfast, I sort of have broken my own rule about no 'sympathy' dates. Fortunately last night was an exemption. He was fine lookin', intelligent, all that and a bag of chips; a Lovely Man. The only thing is, he's just out of a ten year marriage. Eek. You know what happens. They need a 'bridge' back into women ... and I do not want to be the bridge. I'm the destination. Who knows if we'll catch up again, but that was his first date with a woman other than his wife in a decade. I'm not holding my breath.
We did have a six hour date, meandered around the art gallery which was really fun. He knew heaps about art, and we bantered easily. We went into this box thing in the optical illusions section: had to take off your shoes to go in. Had no idea what was inside, but once in, it's a room with a mirrored ceiling and floor. The walls are all black and white striped. It gives the impression of being in an endless skyscraper. I looked down and there was my sex barely concealed in lace knickers. As I realised this, so did he, but fortunately we just laughed about it. I had to sort of gather my skirt to the front of me so that I wasn't continually showing off my lady bits. Nothing I could really do about my bum, it was there in the mirror the whole time, an endless replication of it. Fortunately I'm not exactly shy when it comes to my body, it wasn't as if I blushed or anything. That would be a fun thing to do if you were at the point where you were ready to sleep with someone (relationship material) - go to the art gallery wearing no knickers, or suspenders and stockings, then go into that room and watch their face when they realise. Sigh.
A painting I particularly liked was 'Otira Gorge' by Petrus Van der Velden. Tumultuous and strong. The Lovely Man said I would like William Martin, so must have a look.
Went back to hot yoga on Wednesday and I'm still feeling it today.
Sympathy Dates
Ok, ok, I know ... what am I thinking? There was this Old Persistent Man and I felt mean saying no all the time, so agreed to coffee, and then today dreaded having to meet him. He isn't my bag of chips at all. He has 'old man humor' which I can only accept from the fathers of friends, or grandaddies. Now understand; anyone can have old man humor, not just old men. 'Wylie' had it, but I forgave it as I was blinded by lust.
I was a bit snippy with Old Persistent Man and he said I needed to get a sense of humor. Oh I do you old fuckwit, but mine is probably not on the same bandwidth, plus I am oversensitive and girly, so put that in your bum hole and smoke it.
Yes folks. I am oversensitive and girly. I admit it. I am the Queen of Fucking Everything in both senses. Join me. We're going to have a mighty fine year.
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