Guess what?
I have secrets. That no matter how much people think they know you, that no matter how many pictures you post or how explicit my blog appears to be ... I'm always keeping something for myself. Or I'll tell you face to face when we catch up for a coffee.
I've been having an amazing time lately. Excellent and ridiculously long holiday thanks to the fact that I haven't got another contract lined up yet. I'm way too relaxed about it.
On Thursday I went to Piha with a fine assortment of folk - Tieneke planned it. She invited friends to meet at Hardware cafe in Titirangi, then on to Piha, then to the RSA for dinner ... and then stop to look at the glow worms at the Pipeline walk on the way home.
It was a mind blowing day. Andrew came and remained a sober driver, as did lovely Dana, one of T's friends from Yoga school. Tim was also a yoga dude and really funny and charismatic, and T's friend Hip (I've mispelled it) also joined us.
We clambered over the hill to the left, and because no one was around Andrew and I felt fine getting nude for the swim. It just felt right. Tim later came to the same conclusion, and we enjoyed the feeling of nature, nature, nature!
I wasn't getting nude to be sexual, it was just nice.
What a stunner of a day. I wanted to run back around the rocks before the tide rose, but the others were too scared to and went back over the hill. I felt like some kind of amazing beach ninja and ran around with levels of nimbleness previously only seen when Jack jumped over the candle stick. Quick.
We reached the other side way ahead of the others and lay on the grass looking up at the brain clouds. It was really peaceful and I was filled with unreasonable levels of joy.
When all the others rejoined us we went on to the RSA. We were already a bit smashed, but managed to get through the pressed down atmosphere of the pub and onto the deck to sip our drinks.
Tim went walk about. There was a smattering of paranoia quickly overcome. On the way home we stopped and looked at the glow worms, but poor Andrew was incredibly tired and sick of babysitting me.
To bed and to slumber. What a slumber!
And i just keep having good times.
Friday had a third date with the Handsome Englishman, but he was starting to bore me. I realised I didn't want to kiss him. His mouth looked too hard, yet his behaviour was so passive. Where's the passion? Bring me the passionfruit! Ooh, speaking of which, I did have a good ice cream today. Delish.
Where's the time going?
How can it now be 10.35pm on Sunday? It's madness I tell you. A mere illusion!
I also caught up with Lou and her lovely man Johnny yesterday, and god, they are so fucking nice and cool, it's crazy! We talked about Duncan, and then guess what? I saw Duncan today when T and I were having coffee at Hardware!! Synchronicity plus. I wouldn't have recognised Dunc because I haven't seen him since we were 26 and he has since grown a beard and looks all MANLY!!!
I'm excited. Man I'm buzzing. Life is good.
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