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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Suck it Up Buttercup!

Okay folks, as promised, an update on the Ritalin/Doctor with-holding prescription situation.

If you are prescribed Ritalin in NZ, there's only one GP who can do it, otherwise you have to pay to see a shrink and the cost is prohibitive. It's unfortunate that I didn't understand how the whole system worked, that it's only by trial and sudden withdrawal that I now know: yes, your doctor (or more specifically the Receptionist) can stop your meds if you don't pay a certain amount of your bill within a certain time frame.

Ritalin, being a restricted drug, isn't like other prescriptions where you can get it on repeat. You might not share the same 'world' as the receptionist, but you'd better make sure you do your best or you'll be going without if you don't pay in time or do something to offend her. In the end I agreed with her; I do need to wake up to the real world, just as she's said. The real world. What an interesting idea. What would that be?

 I don't even know if the world is as real as we pretend it is, but I knew discussing that particular philosophy wouldn't be useful in this situation. She thanked me for understanding (and strangely, I do, though I know she doesn't understand me) and hopefully this whole debacle will be behind me soon enough.

So there you have it. Until we get more doctors specialising in knowledge of ADHD, we must rely on only one GP. No wonder the receptionist has no patience left, she's obviously over worked and stressed. My mum used to be a doctor's receptionist and she was under-paid and definitely over worked, so I'm not being entirely facetious about this whole thing. It's definitely food for thought though; what is the Real World to you?

Mine has lots of rainbows, forests, cats, wine, friends and cuddles in it! Ooh, and maybe a giant owl that puts it's wing around me.

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