19th June 2012
OK! Tap-along!
I've mentioned 'EFT' a
few times now, (Emotional Freedom Technique) and even though it looks silly and
you feel a bit of a dick when you're doing it, I find it really effective. I
didn't like Brad Yates at first, for some reason his
wholesome persona freaked me out a bit, but then I got over it. He reminds me
of a young, better looking version of the father from the American Pie movie
(the dad who gives his son a fine selection of pornography for educational
purposes). And look at his jumper, it's classic. I'd wear that jumper.
I like David
Childerly's accent ... (you
feel like he's about to put on a pot of tea at any moment). I have a
little crush on David Childerly actually, I imagine he'd be quite fun to hang
out with! I have no idea if he's gay, straight or otherwise, but I imagine he'd
be the kind of boyfriend who'd stop as you were walking along and say "I
can feel the vibrations of the trees ... they're sharing their energy with us
... the oxygen ... it's really turning me on ... quick, I must take you in this
little clearing ..." (and then go home for a cup of tea).
EFT works on acupressure points to help shift subconscious blocks
or beliefs as you do the affirmations. Affirmations alone are fine, but I find
that I feel like I'm lying to myself sometimes, and when I 'tap' it must help
me in some kinesthetic sense to absorb it.
Although there is 'no plausible'
explanation for why EFT is effective, I don't really give a shit, as long as
something works. Placebo? Fine. Give it to me. If you look EFT up on Wiki, it
also says there is no evidence that traditional Chinese medicine 'concepts'
such as acupuncture points even exist. Fine. That's an excellent ethnocentric
assumption which throws away thousands of years experimentation and experience.
Anyway, don't listen to me. Just try it;
do EFT every day in the morning and at night for a month and see if it does
anything. My only motivation in sharing this is to be helpful.
PROMETHEUS (spoilers)
Last Thursday Handsome Rob took me out for
a lovely feed at a nice Italian joint on the waterfront, then we went to the
Prom. It was a toss up between Prometheus or The Dictator, so we opted for the
one that was on sooner.
Tieneke had already warned me that it
was disappointing. I was able to enjoy it for exactly what it was,
and yes, it was a bit silly at times. The best review of it (the quick, funny
version) is on Youtube by Red
Letter Media. Agreed on so many points ... a lot of what they said
resonated with me!
Why on earth (or space) would a
highly educated group of people take off their space helmets on a planet where
they've just found a whole lot of dead aliens who were running away from
Why was the robot guy such a prick?
Was he beginning to get human feelings and obviously resented everyone looking
down on his robotness?
Why did that old guy have such bad makeup?
Couldn't they find an old person to begin with, like in Cocoon?
Why didn't they let us see Charlize Theron
getting in on with the cheeky captain? That would have been hot. And yes, as
with Red Letter Media, I just cannot fathom the bit where the geologist claims
he can't be present with an alien corpse as he's into rocks. Look, I'm no
geologist, but even I, a mere part time English teacher and confessed curiouso
(no such a word, but let's say it's one) would be very keen to take a look at a
long-dead decapitated giant alien. I thought that the geologist must have had
his own agenda (didn't everyone?) and that was why he pretended to be afraid. I
assumed he wanted to do an Aladdin and find anything worth stealing ... but
instead it seems like they were just wandering aimlessly. Like you'd imagine a
highly educated geologist would. Shit. I'm into rocks in a way that's not even
educated, and I'd be touching the walls as if they were the limbs of a lover!
Oh and yes, the penis snake in the water. If I saw that thing I
would FREAK. I would not be speaking to it like it was a kitten. Why would a
crusty, aggressive, formerly freaked out guy suddenly go all gooey over a
nasty looking penis/vagina
snake that comes out of the water like a submarine scope? Ooohhh,
look, it wants to say hello! Awww, it's the only living thing we've encountered
on a planet where we've found dead beings ... who were running away from
something. Let's give it a wee pat shall we?
All that aside, what a visually amazing
movie. Loved the beginning, and I didn't go expecting it to be something that
would win prizes for the story line.
What did win a prize was a movie I watched
with The Painter and his flatmate on Friday night. The Mission (1986) won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes
Film Festival; it tells the story of a Jesuit Priest (Jeremy Irons) and
how he wins the trust of the South American Indian tribe, the Guarani. They
build a mission and are basically living in paradise.
It's lush and epic , set in the 1750's,
and although the love the Priest has for his flock is pure, political forces
conspire to create the kind of outcome one expects from men who are motivated
by greed and ignorance. I can't say too much as you may want to watch it, but
perhaps line up something cheery afterwards. I fell a little in love with Robert De Niro in this. (Not at first of course,
he starts out as a complete asshole.) I also appreciated the occassional
glimpse of the young Liam
Neeson (mmm). Painter thought
that Aidan Quinn looked like a bird, but not in a good
way (alarmed? too wide eyed?). I thought
Quinn was quite hot, especially when he ran down the stairs pulling on his
Help me with my sin, ha ha. |
Rachalle looked
absolutely gorgeous for her birthday, and there were about 20 people milling
around talking, drinking or eating the vegan fare. Rachalle has about three
vegan friends and out of consideration for them happily decided to make it a
vegan only spread. How kind!
I decided to limit myself
to two glasses of wine. I introduced myself to people and was ignored by this
older man (I thought he might have been Rachalle's dad, but evidently not). I
didn't feel terribly offended though. Turns out he was quite intoxicated, so
perhaps he was just in another world.
One very shy guy ignored
me when I said hello, so I was a smart arse to him, but in a way that I thought
was funny. He was smiling, so I'd like to think I succeeded.
I had some excellent conversations with
people, and then me and this guy in a red t shirt went into a room where a
couple of drunk men were attempting to play guitars.
Red t shirt guy picked up a guitar too and
had a fiddle around, and I was just sitting in a chair talking to one of the
drunk guys. There was a microphone on a stand in the middle of the floor. A
woman walked in; she talked to the drunk guy for a moment before suddenly
swinging the microphone stand around and pointing it into my face.
"Intimidated?" she
"Ah, no, it isn't even on ..."
"Well you should turn it on shouldn't
you?" she said, before walking out.
A little later the older Ignore Me guy
started to play from the collection of songs Rach has in a folder. Henry Lee by Nick Cave and the darling PJ
Harvey, one of my favourites. We started singing it, and this time a young
drunk guy came in and made me sing into the microphone. I complied and really
enjoyed myself. Afterwards, the young guy (a handsome bogan) stared at me
intently and said "you have a really good voice and you're pretty".
This wasn't one of Rachelle's friends, it was the friend of a friend.
Well I liked the compliment, but sadly, he
was so drunk that he had the strangest come on I've ever experienced. He
started treating me like a sort of sparring partner, even lightly hitting me in
the stomach and swearing at me! I got a bit of a fright when he hit my stomach
and (my reflexes must be good) I punched him straight back, really hard. I told
him not to punch me, that I'm delicate, but he said he hadn't ... he obviously
didn't realise his own strength. I kept moving away from him, and he kept
following me.
Rachalle and I danced to
some T-Rex (baby strange!). I'd like to call ya, I'd like to ball ya, oohhh,
all night long ... oooh you're strange ...
It suddenly was a bit strange all right.
The young Bogan was staring, Rachalle moved off to talk to someone else, and I
was dancing around on my own (I've never had a problem with that). The Bogan
pointed at me and started to howl like a wolf, about four times in a row.
He came and tried to dance with me, and
then I felt it might be time to go home. I talked with Bonnie for awhile, and
the Bogan came over and I said "look, you're just too wasted". He
said "don't say that to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee". I said it again.
Then Bonnie said it and he replied sadly
"I know. I know I am."
He then started boxing the air around my
head. He'd also flicked my glasses at one point and kept saying 'fuck you'. I
walked away.
I got ready to leave. I was tired. It had
been a very entertaining evening. Despite the bogan's aggression, I
noticed that his eyes were full of puppy like adoration. God. What a pity. He
was very good looking, he just needs to work on his entire personality.
I said goodbye to him, and he grabbed me
and hugged me like a man drowning.
"You've got such a good voice,"
he whispered in my ear, "and .. you're such a fucking prick!"
I continued to hug him and whispered back
"thankyou. You're a fucking prick too."
He laughed, delighted, and I got a nice
hug from the red t shirt guy and kissed on the lips. Kissed on the lips makes you wonder
if the person was attracted to you, or if they just kiss everyone on
the lips? I do kiss female friends on the lips though, and not in a saucy way (well, not these days).
The bogan is blocked from view by the man in the black coat |
You know what? I do like a party
where something funny happens ...
Lord, it's now
Tuesday ... might be going to the hot pools tonight with T. Lovely. Time for
more coffee now!!
Baby Strange, T Rex:
I see you
I see you
With all
of my friends
shadowed under you're like some thunder
I wanna be
your friend
I wanna
call you
I wanna
ball you all night long
In winds
of passion my whip is lashing
I wanna
get you and then
you're strange
Don't lame
me baby strage
Don't lame
me baby
The city's
I ain't
faking baby this is the end
overloaded my head's exploded
I wanna
get you and then