Wednesday ... is it December 7th already? Oh, and here I am with a duck face. A sort of serious duck.
Well just for the Christmas season, here's a gift: drink this song by Department of Eagles!. Also listen to Mathew Dentith on 95BFM tomorrow morning for Conspiracy Corner. Not because I'm a skeptic, but because his voice is fucking gold!
Read some great stuff by Shakti Gawain which reminded me what I thought I already knew (see previous blog).
Don't get attached to the form. Look at the energy Any honour what is. 'Failed' relationships or perceived rejections are not about losing. Form is always changing and evolving. Sometimes you find people you can play with, learn with and love in a particular form for a time, then it changes. Sometimes you've learnt all there is to with that person, or maybe you've reached a point where you don't need that kind of energy around you anymore.
What I like about Gawain is the comment she makes about honouring the change in form, that it doesn't have to be a big boo hoo hoo whenever something shifts away from what it originally was. Guess that takes a more enlightened view than I've had recently. Getting there though.
I went to Bikram Yoga yesterday, sweated it out (the fun weekend had taken it's toll) and calmed down my mind. Went for a swim at Pt Chevalier afterwards. Yes I know, no sane person swims in that particular bit of sea after rainfall, but I figure my immunity is quite good at the moment. I joyfully dived into the choppy brine, and possibly churned up shit, but felt fantastic afterwards so I figure it was worth the risk.
Also have another favourite writer's quote for your perusual! Augusten Burroughs ...
Perhaps my supernatural abilities come from my solid spiritual beliefs. I believe in the baby Jesus. And I believe he is handsome and lives in the sky with his pet cow. I believe that it is essential the cow like you. And if you pet the cow with your mind, it will lick your hand and give you cash. But if you make the cow angry, it will turn away from you, forget you exist, and your life will fall into a shambles. I believe that as long as the cow likes you, you can get what you want.
In order to keep in the cow’s favour, you need to “let go and let God,” meaning, you can’t obsess about controlling every little thing. You have to let things unfold naturally and not try to change things you cannot change. On the other hand, I believe that if you’ve made the cow happy by living this way, you’re allowed to ask for favors. I tell people my theory, and they think I am either kidding or insane. But think this as they may, I have cow saliva on my hands, and many of them do not.
Augusten Burroughs, Magical Thinking, 2004
So I'm gonna do that. Pet the cow. Swim in salt, let people be exactly what they are, but also be honest about your own thoughts and feelings. Let things unfold. Stretch, relax, let my dark side out now and then. Smile. Touch yourself, or just reach out in general. Yeah.
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