What a gorgeous weekend it's been. On Friday Fliss and I caught up; she'd been reading my blog and was one of the visitors I didn't remember when I was doped up in hospital in '96. Fliss was friends with my cuzzy, they met through Chef School and bonded over knives.
I think things are amazingly synchronous; Fliss and I ended up neighbours for awhile. That was a long time ago. God, was that more than ten years ago? Looked over the fence and said "hey, it's you."
She would come over
looking hot in her high heels and lipstick and ended up going out with one of my flatmates. He was a handsome fruit loop, tanned and slow of speech.That was a weird flat (one of many); a mixture of two very straight farm girl sorts and then three of us who were from the great school of Left Field. The farm girls nearly wet their pants if you left a spoon on the bench, so great was their need for control. Passive aggressive at it's finest.
So yeah, Fliss and I were neighbouroonies. On Friday she reminded me of the time gang members came searching for her dodgy flatmate and she ran over to our flat to hide. I forgot about that. They ended up stealing stuff and breaking windows in her flat, so they didn't get the bond when they moved out.
I ended up feeling like I was going crazy with the roadworks that constantly broke concrete on the main road next to the house. Fucking Sandringham Rd! If that wasn't grinding on my nerves the plump farm girl flatmates were wearing me down. I think one of them worked in a
bank. Horrible stuff.
I digress! Fliss invited me to her charming flat on K Rd and I got to meet her delightful partner (who could feasibly be my half brother, but that's another story), drink a few gin and tonics and got chin wagging. Her wardrobe is now literally a room. You may or may not know her as The Frockstar. And what a frock star! Goodness me, an entire wall taken up with racks, the equivalent of about ten people's wardrobes (and only if those ten had too many clothes).
Her beloved toodled off to bed, and we continued to listen to music and talk. Another of Fliss' friends called in to say hello after going to a gig. He was really funny and crass, enjoyed his company immensely.
Somehow it was 1am and time to go home. I saw the cops doing the drink breath thing, so I trotted up to one and asked if he could test me before I got into my car. He did. I was fine. Pretty cute as far as cops go. Irish I think.
On Saturday I did a massive spring clean of my wardrobe, and with it, a bit of crap seemed to clear out of my mind.
Andrew came over in the afternoon and we had such a lovely day. Went out to the hotpools; got fish and chips and drank lots of juice and water.
On the way home we stopped in a farm field and took some photos, shared some affection and had a good laugh. He's off to France to meet up with his family for a holiday in December, so I'm sort of 'dating' him until then. Yes, dating the Ex. But look, can you blame me?

On that subject: yes, dating! I went off FSO the other day as it was just grinding on my nerves having to bother with it at all, but I still had a couple of guys left who'd wanted to meet me. I caught up with one for coffee today. He shall be known as The Man.
The Man is so named because he's ... well ... a man. He was so incredibly well mannered, kind, handsome and intelligent. Gosh. I realise what I need to do is not get too caught up in a man's
deliciousness too fast. That it is ok to take it slow. Slow is good.
He kept thanking me for meeting him, isn't that lovely? I was amazed actually, I'd have thought he would know how hot he was and be out there putting it about. He wants to take me out to dinner, so that's cool. Lovely eyes.
I also have another one wanting to catch up soon, so goodie. My dating mind is all back in perspective! With D I think I ended up suddenly feeling like I was already in a relationship because we got so intense so quickly. Now I think I'm going to pace things more, none of this Friday night through to Monday morning stuff (I mean shit, that's not dating is it?).

Now dears, I did say that if I figured out how to make a safety net for the heart I'd let you know. And I have. It's nothing major I'm afraid. Nothing ground breaking. It's just to know your divinity and to connect with it first and foremost. You must feel what you feel, but allow it to pass through you like a wave.
Imagine a golden net around your heart, but it's made of light and lets in all that is good. It filters out anything you don't want. Can you see it? It feels good. It's vibrating with warmth.
So you're connected, you're free, you're loved. All you need to do is keep remembering.
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