| Its funny, when u trust people on this website and forward your details because you think that people are real, but then there is never a response, truly speaking because people are not real on here, you are not the first, i am straight up and my observation here on these dating website is if you are here then you are hiding something, only 2 reasons to be here.. Hiding something or too engrossed in work to find a partner or a friend. Well mainly its the first half most of the time. Not a god but i understand a bit about Human science...
Me: 11:45 pm Sun 2 Oct 2011: | Er, I've been really busy, I have work commitments, other dates, friends and family to catch up with too. I like finding out if I have enough in common over a few conversations and also prefer to be asked out for a coffee rather than given someone's number. I generally don't call men. I did not ask you to forward your details.
I feel the world is a mirror of your own issues, and if you think all those things then perhaps you need to look more at your own issues regarding trust. It seems like you are quite bitter which creates a negative energy which will repel people.
I do wish you well, but now I have no interest in meeting you at all.
Not a God (obviously).. 12:04 am Mon 3 Oct 2011: |  | Thanks for showing me the mirror, honestly i'll say only few things, you don't have to agree but just the thoughts( I saw the mirror so i thought i'll brag about it). If some one is really busy they don't check their account as they don't have time. Secondly no one shady gives their number on this website, thirdly people who are looking for relationship or even friendship have courage to face the person in person. As for giving number, all i can say is i would rather see and meet a person then to be recieving emails for ever and then with the number depending on what u think you could have asked me to come for a coffee. My number was not at all an invitation to my bed, that was just to contact me. Trust me i am well settled, good looking and i am not here for trash. Unfortunately thats what you thought about youself so i am sorry , please don't ever bother to call me or even write to me. You are not what i thought of you. | Me: | Well, the thing is, not sure if he got my last words as I blocked him after that. Not mature of me at all. Ugh. Didn't think it was 'an invitation into his bed'. I just prefer to give out my number when asked for it, or when asked out. Pretty simple really. But thanks be to the great wisdom of the Universe for showing me what a dick he was so that I didn't have to meet him 'in person'.I've not struck such full on weirdness before, then got all this in one week. Got paranoid and took off heaps of my photos just in case insane men were sitting at the computer having a wank. (The sane ones can go for it). Internet Dating Gem Number Two! "The Reptile" Now this little beauty listed David Icke as someone he had read. The following excerpt is from Wiki, it's common knowledge that Icke has some pretty extreme ideas ... At the heart of his theories lies the idea that the world is becoming a global fascist state, that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.[3] ( Because The Reptile had also listed some other really interesting things, I was interested in his thoughts and so initiated contact ...
Me: 6:45 pm Sat 1 Oct 2011: |  |
Spotted any lizard people lately?
The Reptile* 11:22 pm Sat 1 Oct 2011: |  | what in Gods name are you talking about? you freak
Me: 11:17 pm Sun 2 Oct 2011: |  | wow, for someone who follows David Icke I thought you might get the joke, but obviously not. Charming man I guess you are not, how incredibly rude you are.
Me: 11:25 pm Sun 2 Oct 2011: |  | Rude and don't even remember what you have on your profile, so obviously not exactly sharp. |
The Reptile* 8:38 am Mon 3 Oct 2011: |  | all that new age rubbish certainly made a man out of you...judging by your picture. ha!
Didn't really feel I needed to dignify that one with a reply. Reported him to the community watch on the dating site.
I guess he just made that stuff up to sound like he was interesting, then forgot he wrote it down? So weird! This is a 45 year old man we're talking about here. It's truly amazing. I should thank him for giving me such good material really.
But wait beloved ones, there's one more ... but at least this one wasn't outright mean. Just strangely controlling? Judge not lest ye be judged, but by all means have a good laugh.
This one we'll call Control Man
Control Man asked what I did over the weekend. I told him and mentioned I'd had a coffee date among other things (family, friends etc). Here we go:
Control man 5:38 pm Sat 1 Oct 2011: |  | hmmmmmmm...you had a date and you are talking to me so that ws not good the date i mean..
how was quiet..but nice....am off for some lunch...curry..i love it...
then i am free...you have any plans...wild woman hair which i like lots..
Goddesslove 6:41 pm Sat 1 Oct 2011: |  | Ha ha, well _________, one date does not a decision make!
Brrr, it's getting a bit cold and I've decided to have a lovely night in for a change. Feeling really good.
Just as well you like wild woman hair ... I just don't have the will to straighten it the way most women would! I don't need that much control over things! :) |
Control man 6:47 pm Sat 1 Oct 2011: |  | ok.......a birds nest is ok......
do i not bother chatting as you have a bloke around...?
Me: 11:24 pm Sun 2 Oct 2011: |
| Ha ha, looks like a birds nest today (you'd love it). Just because I had a nice date doesn't mean I stop dating, that doesn't make sense. I stop dating once I know it's going to be a relationship! :) Oh, and when I say dating, I mean just getting to know someone, finding out if there's compatibility etc. So keep chatting.
Control Man (or maybe just a bit slow man) 1:20 am Mon 3 Oct 2011: |  | ummm..no sorry if you had a nice date and your not ok with that in my view you need to yes of no to that.......
in other words if you like him then you go with him....
if i meet you and i like you i will go with you...not...oh i will chat to you nd look for another..whuck that...
i met a girl in the weekend who i think is noice...but we didnt have time to talk as she brought her sick daughter...when we do i will see..and if not ...see ya..and if yip..off here...
this is how i do things...so good luck flossy...wild woman hair is neat when she is on top of me and her hair is in my face while she has her pleasure with me....
i miss that.....
Me: 8:26 am Mon 3 Oct 2011: |  | Goodness me!
And so friends, I will let you make of it what you will. Wild woman hair is neat when she is on top of me ... um ... ok. Neat. Neato. Yay. How bizzarre. I never said I was going to see the person I had coffee with again. All I said was that he was nice. As in pleasant. Not putting my hair in his face and having my pleasure at this stage of the the proceedings. That's for an actual RELATIONSHIP you fucking nong. Not something you decide over the first cup of coffee.
Ah well, thanks be to the Universe, these guys have shown me who they were really really quickly! I didn't even have to have coffee with any of them let alone shake my wild woman hair in their misogynist faces. Poor loves, must be hard to be that much of a dick really. My compassion flows like budget milk (which is exactly the same as the other milk, it's all just packaged differently, but you knew that).
Wish me luck my loves.
Maybe speed dating is next?
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