Day of Hate, Cocktails and Conversations.
Thought it was high time to share a picture of the dear thing. Massive and smooth but with lots of tiny pricks.
Speaking of pricks, well, I was supposed to meet Wylietoday,
but of course he was sick and unable to meet for coffee and my desired Resolution.
I'm sure he's not aiming for Resolution. He probably imagines he'll have me back in the sack in no time Jack, but I have this little thing called self respect ... well ... at least I'm working on it. Although he said he was sick, he still texted today and asked if I felt like going for a drive. Hmm. What for? A blowie in the car? Who knows.
Had A Day of Hate yesterday. Do you ever get those? Haven't had such an epic one since I'm not sure when. A day when you actually wish death on those who do annoying things on the road, a day when you think of how shitty som
e of your relatives have been (or still are). I'm not refering to my mum or cousin Claire obviously. They rock.
Fortunately for me, I visited mum
and she said a few things that just calmed me the hell down. I knew I was being all hate fucked anyway, but seeing mumma just helped to soothe my soul. Hate or resentment is so yucky. It really eats away at your mojo like a big old moth
on wool.
I went to Tam and Sean's cocktail party and really enjoyed myself despite the fear I might feel consumed with fear, unresolved sorrows and resentments. Shows how crazy a day of Hate can be - I felt so happy last night!
Lovely people, some good quality conversations - one with Rachelle and another with Adam. Adam announced that he was an Atheist. What fun! Such commitment to a belief system, I like that.
Dionne, Tam's sister, had worked on the music playlist which was really quirky and suited the cocktail theme. There was dancing, strong mixes to consume, and towards deep of the evening ... MEATY STICKS. Yes folks, bacon and chorizo on a little toothpick. YUM!!!
Drank a bit when I got there, but calmed down and stopped in the last few hours so that I could drive home. And yes, I went home earrrrly, so I was able to wake up feeling fine and dandy.
So today I went to The Oratia Markets (through Glen Eden, keep driving, go through the roundabout and head towards that vineyard ... ).
I love going to this market. It makes me feel involved and virtuous, buying locally, blah blah.
I usually go quite late and today was no exception. I bought these eggs (SPCA approved), carrots, courgettes, bagels (which are amazing), two bags of mandarins, .... yeah you get it.
Picture shows me smiling with eggs

So I'm set for most of my groceries for the week, as long as I don't forget these things are in the fridge and need to actually be eaten. So that was my community spirit taken care of, and then I went to a dirty old mall (the one in New Lynnand did a few boring things ... among them buying bras!).
Was there ever a task so onerous? Finding a bra to fit AND look fine is much more arduous than a man could ever believe possible. I was in changing rooms for nearly two hours, possibly more. I think I tried on forty bras. Seriously. Fortunately there was a sale on (yayyyy) and I got three bras and millions of knickers for $110. I'm in the unique position of wearing a bigger bra than I appear to need. C cups always look like they should fit me. They don't.
Now I'm trying to decide if I can be arsed going out again tonight. I know it sounds silly, but sometimes I would rather stay home, read a book, or watch a DVD
... but I do have the chance to go out with my beloved T and her friends. One of them is the guy who made the fau paux the night of the Flat Tyre ... gosh, what nick name did I giv
e him? Was it Mr Sensitive?
He's probably a good person though, and I don't think I'd feel funny if we were all out having a dance. So yeah, it'd be Rakinos. Haven't been to Rakinos since returning to NZ.
Oooh, update, just talked with T and fortunately she doesn't feel like going out either. Yay!
We can stay in and be wonderfully boring. Oh wait, she's inviting her part time boy over. Oh well! Maybe time to call the sexy ex. Hmmm.
And now - more photos of Tosca and stuff for your pleasure and amusement. Lots of love, C x.
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