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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

No More Sex with the Sexy Ex, ADHD Dietry help and Things.

13th June 2012
Good morning! Looking a bit sleepy on it.
On Sunday morning I was feeling heavy. There’s something wrong with my left shoulder, and I had no desire to do anything useful. I knew I needed to shift my state, so I did this little exercise called ‘clearing off your mental desk’. It was simple:

1)   Take 15 minutes to write down everything that’s in your head right now
2)   Put a tick next to the things you can’t control and a star next to the things you can
3)   Write down the things you can control on another list

What surprised me was that as I wrote down all the crap floating around in my head was this sudden unlocking of my pain and anxiety. I cried and cried, but that was quickly followed by calm. I wrote down that I wanted help, but I didn’t reach out to anyone for help (something I was basically telling a friend off for recently). The kind of help I want is in small things I think; the conversation that helps you see things in a different light, or someone actually doing the dishes after you’ve made them a meal (as it might take me two days to get them done myself).
Whatever the case, after I’d had my wee sobbing session I realised I was okay.
Oh, and tonight I reached down to pick up a pen on the floor and completely fell (along with my chair) and landed heavily on my left side thus increasing pain levels to a 7 out of 10. No, I'm not drunk.

Exhibition Drive, Titirangi. 16 minute walk from my place.
 Completed Time with The Sexy Ex, and that’s okay.
“But,” you ask “he’s your ex … so wasn’t it already complete?”
Well yes and no. If you’re still having hot sex with the ex on a regular basis, it’s not entirely completed is it? No matter what you say, if that person still keeps saying he loves you and comes around to fuck your brains out, it isn’t exactly the kind of Ex most people are referring to. Whatever the case, it has been good, and I don’t regret it at all.

I took ‘complete’ from something Lisa Nichols said on a Youtube clip about relationships. I really liked it. To say that something has been completed rather than broken, that no matter what’s happened it’s been a learning experience (obviously). It’s amazing how very simple things can feel like such revelations. To say our time with someone is complete makes it sound like some kind of assignment or creation that’s finished, but in a way that’s quite satisfying. Dust off the vibrator. Cuddle the cat. Do not use the vibrator whilst cuddling the cat; that would be wrong.

The week is going so fast. I’ve had some excellent conversations with a friend about ADHD and she found a site with dietary information: http://www.livestrong.com/article/292238-foods-for-dopamine-norepinephrine-serotonin/.

Okay, so it stands to reason that if you have ADHD (or any kind of ‘misfiring’ of the neurotransmitters in the brain) then you might want to take a look at what you’re eating.

Foods that help increase the functioning of one’s neurotransmitters (specifically dopamine,  epinephrine and serotonin) might be worth getting into the gullet.

For Serotonin:
Proteins such as cheese, eggs, meat and plant sources like seeds and whole grains.
For Dopamine and Epinephrine:
Dopamine (which is why dope is called dope) is of course linked to pleasure and reward, epinephrine is linked with focus and response to stress.
Evidently it’s the amino acid tyrosine that really gets the old d and e going, and that my dears, is contained in almonds, avocados, beans, pumpkin and mustard seeds.

Hey, you know how Jesus said that if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could move mountains? Well maybe he meant we should eat more mustard seeds and then we’d be able to focus and get some shit done, but someone misquoted him? 

Fark, it’s so, so cold! I went for a walk this morning and took a few photos along the way; so beautiful, the pictures only catch a fraction of the beauty.
There was ice on my windscreen when I got into the car, and I was grateful that I had my gloves on.

Brrr, going out to see an exhibition with Handsome Rob tomorrow, but if that feels too much like hard work we could always go and see a movie.  It’s so cool to have a good platonic male friendship back. It’s been a long time. We used to just get so drunk all the time, now we make decisions to go out and not drink at all. Ahh, maturity, gotta love it.

Keep moving towards what you like, and do what feels good (unless you’re of the Hitler persuasion). Notice what makes you laugh. Do things that promote joy – you need to strengthen those pathways in the brain. It’s not waffle-piffle-fluffel- bummel. It’s science.

Make a list. Here are a few things that give me pleasure at the moment:

1)I love it when I hear people say things like ‘advocado’ instead of ‘avocado’.
2) I LOVE the advertisements on BFM. They even had one that made fun of people who say they LOVE the advertisements on BFM (student radio in Auckland, NZ). Right now they have one for some music festival in Australia, and the sting you have to listen out for to win prizes is ‘wankermaloo!’ in a horrible Aussie twang. It never fails to make me laugh in the car on the way to wherever it is that I’m going.
3) Online Scrabble. I am a new player but I am already intimidating those marginally less capable than I. People who speak English as a second language usually.
4) Nature. Yes, I’m a goddamn hippy really. I love the trees, the birds, the dark brown worms, the mist on the water.
5) Food. Fuck me duck me, I do think the Ritalin has increased my pleasure in the consuming of food. I don’t mean I need to eat a lot, but when I do, I feel like I almost want to rub it all over my face (but I don’t).
6) Outings: I’m goin’ out to exhibitions, birthdays, galleries, gigs … and for some reason these things keep being within ability to do on very little money. Okay, it helps when friends are kind and buy you a drink or a coffee.
7) Making food for others. Okay, I like food when I’m on my own, but I also really enjoy making simple but yummy things for a beloved guest. Hey, I can’t believe it, but I did see something on Jamie Oliver’s show (when visiting mum) that I liked. Sweet roasted peppers (from the jar) stuffed with a cheese that melts, then fried in olive oil. OOOHHHHH yeahhhh.
8) Telepathy: Okay, this does work best with the cat. Look into her eyes and say ‘I love you’ and then notice she starts to purr almost immediately.
9) Talking to Angels or Whatever: I talk out loud, in the car, (turn down the radio for a few minutes) as if to a good friend. Then I wait and see if any good ideas come up. They always do.
10) My hypnotherapy CD’s: I swear this stuff gets better every time I listen. No, I’m not wanking to it all the time, I usually have it on as I fall asleep and it gives me an enormous sense of well being.

That sucky towel! That's been around for way too long. I think it's older than me.
What’s the point? Well, maybe there isn’t one. How freeing! Isn't that permission to create, invent, relax and love? Yes. It is.

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